More About Me


After a long career in social services, Vanessa Prada is well prepared to tackle any challenge that may come her way with a kind and caring approach.  “It is part of my nature to help others and I do it with heart.  People can see when a person is genuine and that is what I am and always will be.”  As one who has worked for the State of Nevada, Vanessa has an impressive team of resources who are prepared to assist her clients with the ordinary to the most extraordinary needs or requests.  Pair that power house with her persistent personality and you have one well-prepared Realtor who is destined to succeed on her clients’ behalf.  Bilingual in English and in Spanish, Vanessa welcomes the opportunity to assist home buyers and sellers who seek a Realtor who can clearly communicate the real estate process in their native language.  Making her clients feel at home comes naturally to Vanessa who treasures time with her own family as well.   Friendly, focused and always forthright, Vanessa can be contacted through Chase International’s Reno office.